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The Power of Quora For Link Building | SEO Gone Wild – SEO Gone Wild
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The Power of Quora For Link Building

Have you ever wondered about the power of Quora for backlinks? In this article, we are going to tell you what Quora is and how you can leverage it for your website. In order to leverage Quora for backlinks, this is what we are going to recommend:

  • Creating authoritative content on your website to promote on Quora.
  • Losing the attitude that you are going to spam Quora to bolster your website’s rankings.
  • Answering questions on Quora to develop your reputation on the platform.
  • Developing a plan for your website’s content that includes social media, including Quora, to get social signals going for your website.

What Is Quora?

Quora, in Google Analytics, shows up as referral traffic. However, it is a hybrid search engine/social media website. On Quora, users as questions and other users answer them. Over time, you can become a regarded expert on Quora if you answer questions in a thoughtful manner. You can gain followers on Quora, as well as create a “space,” which is almost like Wikipedia where people can edit, share, and refine content on a particular subject.

Does Quora Let You Create Backlinks For Your Website?

When you answer a question on Quora, you can add a link to your website as the answer. It is very important to understand that when you place a link on Quora, it has the nofollow attribute. This means that Quora links do not pass link equity to your website. That being said, websites need nofollow links. Also, Quora links can help you get much-needed traffic and brand recognition for your products and services.

How To Build Quora Backlinks As Part Of Your Content Promotional Strategy

When you write a blog, this is a great opportunity to use Quora to your benefit. In addition to promoting your website on social media platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook, we also recommend posting an answer to a question on Quora. Here is how we recommend that you go about doing that:

  • Find a question on Quora by searching for something that can easily be answered by your blog post.
  • If one Question has a lot of views, but no answer, feel free to answer that question.
  • Make sure that you use the linking feature in Quora to post a link to your website’s blog with the keyword that your blog is optimized for as the anchor text.

Finding Questions On Quora To Generate Backlinks

When you are on Quora for the first time, there are so many things to choose from. We suggest creating a Quora persona that goes along with your niche. You can select your interest when you are setting up your Quora profile. Here are some tips to find some questions that might be good to answer:

  • Start searching very broad. For example, if you are publishing a blog on SEO, your Quora question should be on SEO.
  • Find a specific question that really goes along with your blog.

Here are some question characteristics that will really help you establish your Quora persona with some authority:

  • Look for questions that have more followers on the question than answers.
  • Look for questions with answers that are self-promotional and not all that helpful.
  • Look for questions that are very thought provoking.

Answering a Quora Question to Generate Backlinks

Now that you have found a question that goes along with your blog, it is time to provide a detailed answer. You should include the following in your answer:

  • Answer the question without promoting your website/blog/business.
  • Make sure that you write at least 150 to 200 words.
  • Answer the question as best you can in the 200-word length, but be sure to include a link to your blog article.
  • Make sure that you choose anchor text that appropriately matches with your blog.

What Frequency Should You Use To Answer Questions On Quora To Generate Backlinks?

We don’t recommend answering questions on Quora every day. We recommend incorporating Quora into your regular content and social media schedule. Whenever you publish a blog, you likely share it on social media. We also recommend answering a question on Quora with every new blog post that you answer. This helps with the “social signals” on Google.

How Does Quora’s No-Follow Backlinks Help My Overall Site Ranking?

Quora’s no-follow backlinks do not directly help your rankings. Nofollow links do not pass Page Rank to your website. However, there is a linking signal from a nofollow link that Google acknowledges for your website. In the long run, great Quora answers help generate future follow links for your website. Quora is a frequently used website by authors of web content. When webmasters write blogs and website articles, Quora is often the first place they go to brainstorm topics. If they find a highly regarded answer, they might cite your website article on theirs, resulting in a high-quality backlink for your website.