Web Analytics
Case Study #3: Online Course Portal – SEO Gone Wild
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Case Study #3: Online Course Portal

Problem: What if you wanted to take your hobby and do it for a living? With a Facebook Ads campaign and a great SEO strategy, that can be a possibility. This individual travels the world going to arts and festivals and they teach two types of classes on their website. Pre-recorded courses and live courses for quilting enthusiasts.

Solution: We developed a killer strategy around the client's choice keywords to bring hobbyists to the website. We also brought people to the live courses wit ha "Save the Date" message on Facebook and Google Ads. Over two years, we were able to increase the client's traffic, keywords, and increase students enrolling in her course.

We achieved CPAs consistently UNDER $6.00. (The course sold for $79.99) 

We also doubled their keywords and traffic in just under two years.